Message from Seth
Thank you for taking the time to learn about the Brothers Project. This is a picture of my brother and I when Jeff was 4 1/2 and I was 7. (Yes he was very tall for his age and Jeff is still my BIG little brother!) This picture was taken just a few months before Jeff’s Retinitis Pigmentosa. (RP) diagnosis (Note Jeff’s thick glasses in this picture due to his poor eyesight from the eye disease).
Today, as you see us together below, it is my hope, dream and prayer that the Brothers Project will be able to fully fund Jeff’s part time work. I also plan to try and help other blind and disabled people in similar situations who want to find meaningful work despite their disabilities. Jeff now has consistent employment. He is part of a supportive work community and is contributing in a meaningful way to the members of his community. This opportunity has provided Jeff not only with income, but also with a renewed sense of self-worth. Now Jeff is walking tall, proud and confident.
Click for The Brothers Project Main Page / Click Jeff’s Biography
Click Jeff’s Job/Video and Pictures / Click for How Can I Donate? /Jeffrey’s Finances